Just got back from a fantastic trip down the Eastern US to North Carolina, where I gave a presentation of my Cross-Canada to Panama trip at the Overland Rally Southeast.
I was able to meet lots of cool folks including Waterlilly of Dual Sport Plus, Dr Benny of MotorcycleMexico, and DrRock & LDF of the Mobius Trip.
I'm digging in to the photo post-processing now, lots of photos from the Rally, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Works Engineering in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Coney Island, Mount Washington and everything in-between.
Before all that goes up I'll post the interview of Margus and Kariina of "From Estonia with Love"
There's so much there I think it may be a two-parter!
Here is a quick preview of the US trip.
I'm digging in to the photo post-processing now, lots of photos from the Rally, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Works Engineering in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Coney Island, Mount Washington and everything in-between.
Before all that goes up I'll post the interview of Margus and Kariina of "From Estonia with Love"
There's so much there I think it may be a two-parter!
Here is a quick preview of the US trip.