Motojournalism - Book Two underway!

Finally back online! The internet out here in the country has been down for over a week.

There was a wind storm one night and a *BANG* off in the distance, like a transformer blowing.
This fried the modem good n' proper.

They had to find a sub-150lb guy to climb the 50 foot tower to fix the modem.

So there's sadly been nothing to do but ride dirtbikes and work on Motojournalism book 2!
(Photo by Christian Lacasse)

Book two is coming along well, it's a lot more involved and text-heavy than the first. 
It's the equipment book, dealing with what photography gear to take with you, how to use it, and how to pack it all on the bike.

It's amazing how much productivity goes up when the internet is down!
There's been a lot of writing and a lot of photography for the book and I'm excited to be putting it together.

There's no official release date yet, but check back here often - or better yet, subscribe to the blog!

I've just watched the first of the new Horizons Unlimited motorcycle travel how-to DVDs.
Hugely, highly, massively recommended for anybody planning a big trip!
This series is a big step-up in quality from the previous DVD and there's some great footage with people like Ted Simon and RTWdoug.
 Very inspirational and instructional. I found my self nodding in agreement to the DVD and rearin' to get back on the road!

1 Response to "Motojournalism - Book Two underway!"

  1. Ebbs Says:

    Awesome! can't wait to take a look. really going to put a lot of your suggestions to use in my future photography.

    thanks for taking the time to do this!


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